Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture
Facial Enhancement Acupuncture (FEA)
Also known as cosmetic acupuncture, FEA is an holistic anti-ageing treatment that, in the first instance, utlises acupuncture points in order to improve your skin’s elasticity and enhance your overall appearance. Aiming to reduce fine lines and wrinkles this treatment also works on lifting the face, particularly where it begins to sag around the jaw “jowls” and cheek area.
How does it work?
As with TCM acupuncture, Qi is mobilised and boosted by the insertion of needles into specific points on the meridians, sending Qi to nourish and tone the skin and facial muscles. From a Western perspective: skin needling stimulates collagen and elastin production, improves muscle tone and increases circulation. As a result, cosmetic acupunture not only aims to revitalise you on the outside, but balance the inside too – leading to greater well and skin rejuvenation.
“…a viable alternative to cosmetic surgery and the effects can run
much deeper than simply improving appearances” The Irish Times
What results can I expect?
Improvement in vitality and tone of the skin, diminished fine lines and wrinkles, and lifting the appearance of sagging skin.
How will I look after treatment?
Immediately after FEA, your skin feel should feel lifted and the colour and texture of your skin improved. Studies published in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture in 1996 showed that of 300 people who received Facial Acupuncture, 90% demonstrated marked results after only their first treatment.
A course of ten to twelve treatments at weekly intervals is advised for optimum results.
Micro Needle Therapy
Micro Needle Therapy (MNT), is also known as Derma Rolling or Collagen Induction Therapy. Skin needling has been practised for more than 25 years. This safe “non-ablative” technique produces comparable results to dermabrasion and chemical peels, but is far less invasive. MNT leaves the epidermis intact, which results in faster healing.
How does it work?
A single micro needle makes a miniscule wound in the skin, although there is no damage outwardly to your face, and you cannot see or feel it, as it is on such a tiny scale. Despite this minute damage, the body’s natural healing mechanism kicks in. Collagen and elsatin are produced in response to the needle entering the top layer of the skin, and new collagen is added to the existing collagen under the skin.
The tiny needles also create micro-channels in the skin. Studies show that the absorption of topical serums and creamsis enhanced by several 100%. These channels close up within 90 minutes.
What results can I expect?
Skin needling stimulates collagen production, and as a result can effectively benefit a range of issues caused by reduction or lack of collagen: Fine lines and wrinkles, Acne scars and pitted scars, Skin texture issues, Pigmentation marks, Large open pores.
How will I look after treatment?
Immediately after MNT, your skin will appear flushed and red, resembling mild sunburn. You may also feel some tightness and sensitivity to touch. Within a few hours, this will vastly diminish and after 48 hours your skin will completely healed. Visible signs of skin revitalisation are seen after only 4-6 weeks and improvements continue for up to a year or more.
A course of three treatments are recommended in the first instance, and you can also buy your own home dermal roller to gain optimum skin needling results – please ask Marie for further details.
Dermal Pen Treatment
Targets specific areas of the face by using micro-needling techniques. It’s great for lip lines and other areas that need special attention. The treatment is finished with a relaxing and rejuvenating facial massage.
Anti-aging Acupressure Facial
Not a fan of needles? Try an anti-aging facial massage to boost Qi and circulation, tone the facial muscles and revitalise your skin.
Using acupressure points, firming and lifting techniques, and the finest Aloe Vera skincare products, your skin will love this treat!